Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aaaand yeah...

Haven't really been up to much lately.

Registered for classes and got everything that I wanted. Good stuff. Pretty easy for international students, although it seems like it's much more difficult for the students who are actually attending the school.
I will be taking three courses; attending three lectures and three seminars. Unfortunately, on M/Tu/W I have one class each, then a break on Thursday, then Friday I have all my seminars. So it looks like traveling will be only on weekends, perhaps leaving right after my final seminar on Friday (around 1500).

I then hung out with Matt the rest of the day, and we had burgers for dinner. We then went to Lonsdale's party (he snuck in since he had nearly the same color of wristband for his college) and we danced to silent disco, which is where everyone has headphones on and can choose their radio station to dance to. Unfortunately, there was only one station. However, it really did feel like we were all in our own worlds, as music wasn't actually playing except through our headphones. Very fun :)

Today, I basically just slept until I ended up waking up to a fire alarm. I then went out with two second-years to the football pitch and played some football, six a side, with some lads. It was lovely! I scored two goals and everyone was super impressed with my skills. It reminded me of the glory days when I was killer at open co-ed. I was actually the first to score, and it was after about 45 minutes of playing!

I went out to Sugarhouse (a Lancaster owned club) tonight with the same boys and danced well. When they were all freezing and waiting for a taxi around 3:30, I ended up running to get some chips with mayonnaise. They left without me, so I called a taxi I programmed into my phone. The driver was super nice and personal, and charged me about two pounds less than the running total was. So nice.

Anyway, those were my last few!


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